
This AI playground provides an environment for playful explorations of nonsense, disguised as a highly technical program. This cognitive dissonance leverages the unexpected to both satirize and celebrate our fascination with logic, computers, and artificial intelligence.



A short interactive experience I designed, programmed, and composed that encourages players to mix colors by sloshing around blobs of liquid. Each time players mix together, a new color unlocks, spewing in time with the music.


Tempers of the TouchTone Labyrinth

Most horror games aren’t scary at all. Real horror is navigating the labyrinthian Kafkaesque nightmare of the average customer support phone tree. In this text-based role-playing horror comedy I’m solo-developing, players must manage their character's emotions and inner monologue as they trudge through one of those very phone trees.



For a hermit crab, its shell is its home. This is a 2D platformer about a hermit crab trying to find that home in a dark and disturbing abyss. I had the honor of animating the illustrations of the amazingly talented Andrew Lin.


String Theory

Every person, event, and orgranization can be connected if you use tenuous enough connections. That’s the premise of String Theory, a puzzle game about making absurd conspiracy theories out of true facts. I designed and programmed the puzzle mechanics and created the 2D artwork.



Meditation is hard for me. In this parody of a meditation app, I sought to capture that difficulty by combining the soothing aesthetics of apps like Calm and Headspace with the arcadey intensity of rhythm games like DDR and Beat Saber. The result is an infuriating little game I wrote and animated.


What The Darkness Craves

If the difference between a game and a toy is that the former is played and the latter is played with, then this is a card game as much as it is a card toy. What The Darkness Craves, is a physical card game (or toy) I’m solo-developing in Tabletop Simulator, in which players must play cards to form rules which change the meanings of the cards.